
2024/5/23 17:47:13
栏目: 深度学习
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  1. 使用Javadoc注释来为类、方法和字段添加注释。例如:
 * This is a sample class that demonstrates how to use CodeGemma to generate comments and metadata.
public class SampleClass {
     * This method demonstrates how to generate comments and metadata using CodeGemma.
     * @param param1 The first parameter
     * @param param2 The second parameter
     * @return The result of the operation
    public int sampleMethod(int param1, int param2) {
        // Code implementation here
  1. 在代码中添加元数据标记来描述类、方法和字段的属性。例如:
@Author(name = "John Doe")
@Version(major = 1, minor = 0)
public class SampleClass {
    @Description("This method demonstrates how to generate comments and metadata using CodeGemma.")
    @Param(name = "param1", description = "The first parameter")
    @Param(name = "param2", description = "The second parameter")
    @Return(description = "The result of the operation")
    public int sampleMethod(int param1, int param2) {
        // Code implementation here


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推荐阅读: CodeGemma代码审查流程自动化怎么实现