是的,C# 8.0引入了一些新的特性,包括接口中的默认实现、接口中的私有成员、接口中的静态成员和接口中的扩展方法。
interface IExample
void Method1();
void Method2()
Console.WriteLine("Default implementation of Method2");
class Example : IExample
public void Method1()
Console.WriteLine("Implementation of Method1");
interface IExample
private void PrivateMethod()
Console.WriteLine("Private method in interface");
void PublicMethod()
interface IExample
static void StaticMethod()
Console.WriteLine("Static method in interface");
interface IExample
void Method();
static class ExampleExtensions
public static void EnhancedMethod(this IExample example)
Console.WriteLine("Enhanced method in extension");
class Example : IExample
public void Method()
Console.WriteLine("Implementation of Method");
Example example = new Example();
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